How to Create and Delete WhatsApp Communities on Android, iPhone and Web

 Social media technology has made our lives more easy and one can perform multiple and difficult tasks with just a few clicks and taps on his device. When it comes to connecting with other, the social medias like WhatsApp has facilitated us much.

In this article we are going to discuss about how to create (set up and use) and delete WhatsApp Communities on Android, iPhone and Web by followig some simple and easy methods.

How to Create and Delete WhatsApp Communities on Android, iPhone and Web

Before know about how to create or delete WhatsApp COmmunities on different devices, you need to know abou what is meant by WhatsApp Communities? 

WhatsApp Communities means to bring multiple WhatsApp groups under one roof, as you can add multiple contacts into one WhatsApp group, just like that you can add multiple WhatsApp Groups into WhatsApp Community, and share any update on a large scale. 

If you have updated your WhatsApp account on your device then you must find this feature on your device. To use this feature follow the given guide.

On Android Devices

Follow the given steps to set up and use WhatsApp Communities feature on your Android devices:

  1. Launch the WhatsApp app.
  2. Swipe left to switch to the Communities tab or from the top left corner press the Communities tab icon.
  3. Now, type in a new community name, then add the relevant description there.
  4. Now, its time to add groups to your created community, you can add groups from the Add Existing Groups option or you can create a new group.
  5. Add the groups you need in your community, you may add up to 21 groups in a community.
  6. When you have added the groups, all the groups will be notified automatically about this newly created community.

And that’s it, you have done it. Now, tap on your created community and here you can send any message to your community and every participant will receive your message, but no member other than you can send replies in this created community.

On iPhone

Follow the given instructions to set up and use WhatsApp Communities on your iPhone:

  1. Launch the WhatsApp app.
  2. From the bottom of the screen, tap on Communities tab.
  3. Now, add a name to your community and also add relevant description for your community.
  4. Now, add the groups you want to be in your community.
  5. From the top right corner click the Create button.
  6. When you have done, tap the community name to post any announcements.

And that’s it.

On Web

Here is how to set up and use WhatsApp Communities on your WhatsApp Web:

  1. Open WhatsApp web.
  2. From the bottom click the Communities tab.
  3. Next, click the Start Community option.
  4. Now, add a new name to your community, then add relevant description for it.
  5. Now, add your desired groups to your community.
  6. From the top right corner, click the Create button.

And that’s it, you have done it. Now, tap on the community name to post an announcement in your community.

How to Delete WhatsApp Community

If you want to step back and want to delete your created WhatsApp Community, then here is how you can do it:

  1. Launch WhatsApp.
  2. Open your created WhatsApp Community.
  3. From the bottom of the page, tap on the Deactivate Community button.
  4. Tap on the Deactivate Community button again, then confirm deactivation by tapping the Deactivate button from the pop up.

And that’s it, you have done it, you can follow the same steps on Web to do so. After deleting your WhatsApp Community, the groups will get disconnected and all of your community information will be deleted automatically.


Q: What is WhatsApp Community?

Ans: WhatsApp Communities means to bring multiple WhatsApp groups under one roof, as you can add multiple contacts into one WhatsApp group, just like that you can add multiple WhatsApp Groups into WhatsApp Community, and share any update on a large scale. 

Q: How many groups can be added to one WhatsApp Community?

Ans: You can add up to 21 groups under a WhatsApp Community to connect with them at the same time.

So, this read was to help you know about how to create, set up, use or delete WhatsApp Communities on your Android, iPhone or Web devices by following some simple and easy methods.

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