Google Nearby Share will allow you to send files to several people at the same time, and to anyone close to you

Since the end of last summer, mobiles Android have a new way to send files with nearby devices with ‘Share with Nearby’, Google’s alternative to Apple’s AirPlay.

In these last weeks, Google Nearby Share has not stopped receiving news. It already allows us to share applications from the Play Store with our close contacts, and in Android 12 it also allows us to share the Wi-Fi key, but this more news is coming.

Share with the whole world and with several people at the same time

Up to now, ‘Share with Nearby’ it only lets us send files with our close contacts, the people we have on our agenda, but this will change in future updates.

How to send apps to a nearby mobile phone without an Internet connection, with Google Play

‘Share with Nearby’ prepares to allow file sharing with anyone close, whether or not contact. In 9to5Google they have had access to this next novelty to show us the first screenshots and details.

Nearby Everyone

The ‘Nearby Share’ visibility settings will allow us to select that anyone can send us a file, with the option that visibility for anyone is only temporary and we are only visible to our contacts after five minutes.


The second, and most important novelty, is that Google will allow us send files to more than one person at the same time. Currently we can only select one contact, but in the future we will be able to select several close people. People who have managed to access this feature report that Nearby Share has left them select up to four people.

Via | 9to5Google

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