At the end of December, Android 11 began to arrive on the Realme X2 Pro and Realme 7, in open beta for Indian users. Almost half a year later, the Asian company is finally starting to update the Realme X2 Pro to the latest stable version of Android.
As usual in Realme, update is starting in indiaBut this is the first phase of the global rollout. In other words, in a few days we should be enjoying this update anywhere in the world. We are going to tell you what this update brings and why it is relevant.
Android 11 comes to the Realme X2 Pro
Android 11 is the latest stable version of Android, waiting for Android 12 to come out of its testing phase. In the case of the Realme X2 Pro, We are talking about a 2019 mobile updating to the latest version, great news.
With the update to Android 11 not only comes the new version of Android, but the ROM is updated to Realme UI 2.0, the latest version of Realme update layer. In this case, the ROM arrives under the name of RMX193111F.1 y comes with an important list of changes and improvements that will, on paper, make the Realme X2 Pro perform better than ever.
- Personalization level improvements
- New dark modes
- Support for third-party icons in the launcher
- New in-camera shortcuts
- Improved algorithms in the gallery for editing photos
- Permission system optimization
As usual, the update is coming via OTA, so you just have to wait to receive the notice on your phone and update. To check whether or not you have updates available, you just have to go to the updates section in the settings and see if the OTA arrives or not.
Via | GSMarena