How to send texts with effects of fire, hearts, gifts and others in Messenger

There are many messaging applications out there, although when it comes to sending text messages, there are hardly any differences between them: plain text or, at most, bold and italics. One that tries to add some creativity in this regard is Facebook Messenger, which allows you to send text with different effects.

Facebook Messenger includes, at least for some users, the ability to add effects to text messages, which are shown in the chat bubble. Are, initially four effects: text in flames, text with hearts, text surprise on a gift and text with decoration with circles.

Send messages with effects in Messenger

If you want to highlight a message in Messenger, now you have an opportunity to do it in a unique way. Effects on messages seem to be in testing for the moment, as they are seen in Messenger on Android, although they do not appear in other versions of Messenger, including the chat within the Facebook application.

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Sending a message with effects is very easy. First, you must enter a chat and write the message. Then, tap the magnifying glass icon and a preview of the different effects should appear at the top. If not, tap on the tab Effects edit.


By tapping on any of the four previews, the message with that text will be sent to the chat. To this day, there are four text effects available in Messenger, and that are visible both to you and to the other person who receives the message (if you have Facebook Messenger on your mobile). These are the effects:

  • Text with hearts, which sends the text with a bubble surrounded by animated hearts.

  • Decorated text, which sends the text with the bubble with different geometric figures moving in the background.

  • Text with fire, which sends the text surrounded by flames.

  • Surprise message, displayed in chat as a wrapped package. Tapping on it reveals the message.

Effects edit

Tap on the effect you want to send and it will be sent directly to chat. Note that Messenger clients that do not yet support these effects, like Messenger on Windows or the Facebook website, will show the chat the same as always, but adding the tagline of (sent with love effect), (sent with gift wrap effect) O (sent with fire effect).

In case you cannot send or see these types of effects, you may not have it active yet. The only thing you can do about it is update Messenger to the latest version, either from Google Play or through its APK.

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