Playing audio notes in WhatsApp is on the way to being more of a more comfortable and universal task: the application works in a sound player that will continue to work regardless of open chat. This way it will be possible to listen to the notes of a chat without having to have it open.

Writing messages is perhaps the most used in WhatsApp, but there is an element that struggles to rise to the top in terms of instant communication: voice notes, those audios that are often more podcasts than a simple spoken phrase. And, since listening to the notes implies staying in the chat until they finish, it would be very practical for WhatsApp to allow you to listen to them without the obligation to anchor yourself to the conversation. Yes?

The voice memo player prepares a big change

Voice Notes Whatsapp

Voice notes on your player. Image from WabetaInfo.jpg

Instant messaging applications such as Telegram offer the reproduction of the received sounds, whether they are voice notes, songs and other audios, within a player that remains anchored to the top of the app And that continues to work regardless of whether Telegram is open or not. What WhatsApp prepares is very similar to this.

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As confirmed by WaBetaInfo, an eminence in the field of WhatsApp advances, the Android application has introduced an audio player in its latest beta that paves the way for listen to the notes as if it were a musical player. It cannot yet be used since this new feature is within the code, but inactive.

Voice notes received on WhatsApp will go to be heard within the app regardless of the chat. The player will be anchored at the top of the app offering a pause and resume option; also including a timeline to show the exact point where the audio is going.

It is unclear whether this global voice memo player will continue to work even in the background, with the WhatsApp app closed, or with the screen off. We also do not know when WhatsApp will activate this function: according to WaBetaInfo it works as expected, but you still need to complete the development process. Surely it will not take us too long to be able to use the new audio player for WhatsApp voice notes.

Via | WaBetaInfo

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