Xiaomi brings Security, the MIUI system security app, to Google Play

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Xiaomi brings Security the MIUI system security app to Google

Extract applications from a proprietary layer to bring them to Google Play It is a strategy that is followed more and more frequently, even ARM will take the drivers of its graphics there. The idea is that this way the application can be updated more quickly and easily, since it does not download work to the developer or the company that produces it, but it does shorten the waiting times.

The last to make this move has been Xiaomi, which had already done it sometime in the past, as with Mi Explorer. The app that now leaves the nest is Security, MIUI’s internal security app and that we can already find on Google Play, completely free and, yes, exclusively for Xiaomi mobile devices and tablets. At least for the moment.

Xiaomi Security on Google Play


Security is the app integrated in MIUI that is responsible, as its own name is already responsible for revealing, the security of Xiaomi phones. We are not talking about an antivirus to use but an app that allows us block apps with suspicious activity, cleaning the useless file system so that it runs more smoothly or, for example, managing the battery with various saving modes.

Not only that, because Security is also in charge of the security of the entire system, such as scanning each application that we download and install from Google Play or other sources, and also monitor that the use of data, both in WiFi and in mobile networks, is logical according to the tasks that we are executing, and thus avoid unwanted processes in the background.

Security has long been fully integrated into MIUI, the Xiaomi cape, and although it will continue like this until further notice, its update system will now fall on Google Play. The app has been separated in part from MIUI in order to accelerate the speed of updates, which previously depended on more complex processes and workflows for updating the layer itself, unlike other system apps that Xiaomi updates from its own store of apps.



So if we want we can install the new Google Play Security so that the updates are faster and, therefore, our Xiaomi is more secure from now on. We will see what happens in the future, since it is not ruled out that Xiaomi directly activates the forced download of Security from Google Play in future versions of the app, thus freeing us from this first step.

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