How to know the maximum quality at which Netflix works on your mobile

The quality that Netflix plays at on a mobile it not only depends on its screen resolution and power, other factors also come into play, such as the age of the phone, the connection speed and the brand. Do you want to know what is the maximum quality that Netflix on your Android can access? You can discover it from the application itself.

Streaming multimedia content has become extremely popular, mainly due to a platform for movies and series: Netflix. It cost it to expand beyond the United States. And now that we can enjoy its content in a wide variety of territories it is logical that take advantage of its reproduction wherever there is a screen. Of course, the fact that the mobile screen is smaller does not imply that Netflix reduces the quality excessively, which can even be seen in HDR content. And there is a very simple way to find out to what level an Android mobile can stream.

The Netflix app tells you the maximum playback quality

Calidad Netflix Android

The most common when carrying out maximum quality checks was to go to the Netflix listed to see if the specific mobile model was suitable for the maximum resolution, also to view content in HDR. There are also some videos on the platform that allow you to know the maximum quality of reproduction. And there is a third way, which is the one we propose: go to the information offered by the app itself.

Netflix offers information on Android playback specifications (it doesn’t appear in the iOS app). To find out at what maximum quality a mobile device can stream even with the following process:

  • Open the Netflix application on your Android and click on the lower menu of the three lines, the one that corresponds to the ‘More’.
  • Click on ‘Application Settings’.
  • Descend to ‘Playback Specifications‘.
  • In this menu you will see the maximum streaming capabilities specified. What is the level of content protection (Widevine), at what maximum resolution it can be reproduced, with what codecs the device supports and if it is suitable for viewing content in HDR.
Calidad Netflix Android

Depending on the certification of your phone, and its hardware, you will have access to a higher or lower quality of playback on Netflix (the Internet connection also plays a role in this quality). In the event that you cannot see the content in high resolution, you will not be able to do anything to change the parameters, at the most wait for the manufacturer of your mobile to certify a higher resolution (improving the Widevine level) or playback in HDR.

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