Telegram for Android launches Payments 2.0, scheduled voice chat, new gestures and more news

The messaging client Telegram is updated to version 7.7 to add important news that arrive first to the official Telegram APK while the company waits for Google Play to review and approve its update, a process that now with the schedule changes caused by the pandemic is longer than usual.

Telegram 7.7 boost payments, improve the voice chat experience, add new gestures and enhance the animations of your Android application. Below we see in detail each of the novelties.

Payments 2.0

Telegram Payments 2.0

Telegram boosts payments introduced in 2017 with the launch of Payments 2.0, a new API that any merchant can use and that offers eight payment providers third-party integrated into your messaging client such as Stripe, which is available in more than 35 countries such as Spain or Mexico.

Scheduled voice chats

Telegram Chat Voice Schedule

The Telegram alternative to Clubhouse now allows schedule voice chat, as its beta told us a few weeks ago. Now you can schedule a voice chat for the time and day you want so that your subscribers already know in advance when the next voice chat will be. A countdown will notify all participants.

Telegram Chat Voice Schedule

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Mini profiles for voice chat

Telegram Miniperfiles

They also add exclusive mini profiles for voice chat to make it easier for you to know who you are talking to live. Now you can see the name, bio and profile photo of all participants at a glance. Besides, also edit your profile quickly without leaving voice chat.

Pinch to zoom

The version of Telegram for Android is also updated with new gestures. Now you can zoom to photos, videos and stickers from the conversation view without having to open the image or video first.

Improved video player

Telegram improves its video player by adding a new gesture that allows you to quickly advance or rewind the playback holding down the sides of the video.

New animations

Telegram also improves the animation when opening the side menu or returning to the chat list. Now is over smooth and dynamic by displaying a small scroll on the background screen.

New web versions

Telegram Web

Finally, Telegram launches two new web versions compatible with animated stickers, dark mode, folders and more, but with different interface, so you can use the version you like the most on your computer or mobile:

Via | Telegram

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