Chrome for Android prepares biometric authentication for online payments

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Chrome for Android prepares biometric authentication for online payments

E-commerce is experiencing its best time this year. The pandemic has boosted online sales, since during confinement it was the only way to purchase certain products. And if it is already easy and fast to buy from your mobile very soon it will be even more.

Chrome for Android prepares to improve the autocomplete payment methods taking advantage of biometric authentication So that we forget the CVC code, with which we will no longer have to look for the wallet, take out the card and consult that code on the back of the card.

Screen lock

Currently, every time we go to buy in a store that does not have our debit or credit card saved, we can add it quickly from Chrome autocomplete, but we always have to enter the CVC.

To avoid this, Google is testing a new experimental feature in Chrome that will allow us to use our fingerprint reader, facial recognition, or the same PIN or pattern, to add our payment card during the purchase process of an online store.

Chrome Payments

The experimental function # enable-autofill-credit-card-authentication activates a new function in Settings> Payment methods call Screen lockWhat it does is replace the window that asks us to enter the CVC code to verify our identity with the biometric authentication of our mobile phone. The lock screen would be activated so that after unlocking it, the selected payment method will be completed.

Of course, the first time if you will have to enter the CVC code of the card, but from that moment you will no longer have to enter the CVC code for the following online purchases, just use the authentication of the lock screen.

Currently this option can be activated but it does not work, it is still under development. We will have to wait a few weeks or months for Google to update Chrome with this future novelty.

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