There is only one day left until the most important event related to the Android operating system begins, Google I / O 2021. As usual, the company meets with the developers to present the most important news that will come to the platform, both to the system itself and to its applications. We analyze everything that Google can present.
Tuesday, May 18, has been marked by fire in our agendas since the event was revealed on April 7: Google I / O returns after a forced absence in 2020. The event will be held online, which has its advantages: anyone can attend the talks; All you have to do is register with Google I / O and reserve assistance for those that are of interest. Without forgetting tomorrow’s keynote, Tuesday, an event in which we will see a pile of news presented by Sundar Pichai and his family.
Android 12 beta will star in the Google I / O
This is safe: Google will present Android 12 beta during the I / O, will be one of the main themes of the keynote. We have already seen three previews developers, tomorrow is the first firm step towards bringing Android 12 to all users. First in the Google Pixel, as is obvious, although we bet on a greater participation of other manufacturers.
The beta of Android 12, which can be downloaded from tomorrow Tuesday on the compatible Google Pixels (from Pixel 3 onwards), it should expand to other brands, as it has been for a couple of years. The safest thing is that OnePlus will join the first, also Samsung and brands such as Xiaomi, OPPO and Nokia. In principle for some very recent and premium range modelsManufacturers often experiment with their best swords to add value to their customers.
We have already seen some of the news in Android 12, but everything can change with the beta: will be the first system version as such. For example, a notable design change has been leaked to the aesthetics of Android 12:
- Even more minimalist interface and with a design that is close to iOS 14.
- Very rounded notification corners, flat and pastel colors for backgrounds, complete redesign of widgets.
- Automatic customization: the colors of the apps and other system elements can be automatically adapted to the user’s personalization, especially the chosen wallpaper.
- The Gboard keyboard itself will be able to adapt its theme to the wallpaper.
Google will apply a myriad of changes to the system, most of them at the development level. Surely expand your privacy options, not in vain it will be a key issue for Android during this 2021.
AI will be even more integrated into the system to improve the autonomy of the device by intelligently limiting consumption. It would not be strange if Google secured a new energy manager plus improved saving modes. Android’s dark mode will also give a boost (will it include hourly scheduling?). And Google Assistant will expand its reach.
Google Assistant, vital for Android and not only on Android
If Android 12 will focus much of the Google I / O, with everything developers need to know to prepare your apps for the stable launch of the new system version (probably late summer), Google Assistant will be one of the stars in terms of application.
Assistant has been surprising Google I / O attendees since it took over from Google Now in 2016. More and more intelligent, more capable, with greater power year after year (even with capital surprises, like Google Duplex). Everything to achieve that our mobiles possess great capabilities even though their hardware is trimmed.
Wear OS, finally an evolution is anticipated
The operating system for clocks has evolved minimally. And it needs a clear push for the system to be able to compete against WatchOS or Tizen. In this sense, the Google I / O will offer an event with all the news that will come to Wear OS.
Google is expected to refine the aesthetics of Wear OS, giving more possibilities to the system, surely Assistant expand your options at the stroke of your voice and Google is likely to introduce Samsung as a ‘partner’. Who knows, we may see Google’s first smartwatch, although it is unlikely.
Android TV and Google TV, possible news
The launch of a Chromecast with Android TV showed that Google is going to take Android TV much more seriously. This operating system for televisions is in full expansion, a sign that Google is getting a progressive increase in profits from Android TV.
The Google TV interface will be reaching the rest of the devices with Android TV. Surely the store offers access and subscription improvements, it is likely that users have greater customization options apart from channels and we bet that Google Stadia will finally announce its official landing on Android TV. The most logical thing is that it first comes to the Chromecast with Google TV.
The main Google applications will present news
Specifically anticipating what apps will bring back is almost impossible, but we do predict a key theme for what’s to come: privacy. Most likely Google reinforces this aspect in all its software, desde Maps a Google Play.
Precisely, the store will focus several full talks on the next Google I / O. The company should provide the keys for developers to adapt their applications to the new privacy reports, information that should be ready by 2022.
If privacy is going to be of the utmost importance, the other component of special attention during Google I / O is going to be security. Just take a look at the event agenda to discover that there are several talks with safety as a priority axis. In both Android and applications: Google will discover news in this area for most of its software.
Will there be new hardware? The million dollar question
Google I / O are for discovering new software and communicating news to developers. Usually there have been no hardware introductions, but we can’t rule them out entirely either. What we will surely not see will be new Pixels: neither the Pixel 6, surely postponed to autumn (its usual date) nor a possible Google Pixel 5a (it will most likely have an event of its own).
As we said in the Wear OS section, it would be plausible for Google to present its own smartwatch, the more than rumored Pixel Watch, although there are not too many options. Perhaps it could even be advanced a Samsung Galaxy Watch con Wear OS, not in vain the rumors around this alliance are more and more sounded.
We do not rule out that Google presents some non-priority hardware element (neither mobile nor watch). Perhaps positioning tags taking advantage of something new in Google Assistant; or augmented reality glasses, Google does take advantage of the I / O framework to present eye-catching physical products.
New hardware rarely appears on Google I / O, but it can’t be ruled out either. Of course, it is most likely that we will not see the future Google Pixel
There is not much left to check what Google has in store for its most popular event of the year: Google I / O will begin tomorrow, Tuesday, May 18, at 7:00 p.m. in Spain with Sundar Pichai’s keynote. You can access all the information on the official website, you can also sign up from there.