The messaging client WhatsApp launches a feature highly requested by users and that the company had been developing for more than two years. After leaking late last year, Archived chats will no longer be automatically unarchived after receiving a new message.
WhatsApp Beta has begun to gradually activate the new ‘Archive’ section with this important feature that finally does what it should have done for years: archive and silence archived chats forever.
Everything indicates that WhatsApp is currently testing this new functionality through its Beta, since very few users have been activated new ‘Archive’ section, with which it is expected that over the next few days and weeks WhatsApp will activate the new archiving to more users.
This is the new ‘Archived’ of WhatsApp
When the new ‘File’ section is activated, the first thing we will see is that now in the chats view we will always see the direct access to Archived, showing on the right if we have new messages and how many.
When entering ‘Archived’ we will see a new welcome window to the new ‘Archive’ section, informing us that to reduce interruptions, archived chats will now always remain in this section with notifications disabled.
Default, archived chats will always be archived, but from its settings we can return to the previous behavior of the application, and that when we receive a new message, the chat is automatically unarchived and the notification arrives.
The new ‘Archived’ will now become a new way to silence a contact or group, avoiding receiving more notifications, and most importantly, stop seeing the conversation in the WhatsApp chats view.