Gmail for Android begins activating integration with Google Meet

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Gmail for Android begins activating integration with Google Meet

In the middle of last June, Google announced that Meet was going to be integrated within Gmail for mobile. After launching this integration on iOS last week, now it’s the turn of Android users.

Gmail for Android integrates with Google Meet in your new update. Starting today, this integration will gradually reach both G Suite customers and personal account users. Google informs that everyone will have the integration of Meet with Gmail activated within 15 days.

This is the integration of Google Meet with Gmail

Gmail for Android will activate the integration with Google Meet video calls by default, showing the Mail tab next to the main screen. new Meet tab.

The Meet tab will show scheduled video calls next to the actions for create a new meeting or join an existing video call by entering the meeting code. With this integration, you no longer need to have the Google Meet application installed.

Gmail Meet

If we do not like this integration and we want to use Gmail only for emails and do not want the application with two tabs, we can remove the tab Meet from the application settings. For this we just have to go to Adjustments, enter the settings of our Gmail account and disable the new option Show the Meet tab for video calls that will appear in the new section Meet.

At the end of the year, the integration with Google Chat and Rooms will also come to Gmail for G Suite customers, but for now this integration will not reach personal accounts.



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