Three years ago, with the launch of Android 8.0 Oreo, the smart text selector arrived on Google’s mobile operating system. The text selector was able to detect phone numbers, addresses, emails or web pages to display its corresponding shortcut. Well, Google is expanding this recognition to its keyboard Gboard.
The google keyboard has released through its last beta a new smart clipboard. Now that it is able to recognize all the personal data from the copied text.
This is the new smart clipboard from Gboard
If we now select and copy a text that includes, for example, a phone number, email, website or mailing address, just by copying all the contact information at once we will have the telephone, email, web and address separately.
When we open the keyboard again we will see in the clipboard suggestions that we can paste each of these data separately. as if we had copied each field one by one. Also when we open the clipboard we will see all the recognized capos along with the full text that we have originally copied. Each icon identifies the type of information recognized.
This new feature is very useful when we cannot select a text or we have to copy the data of a contact to fill in a form. For example, if they now send us a message with the data of a contact, now we only have to copy the entire message and in the Contacts application, paste each data into its corresponding information field.
Google’s new clipboard too is able to separate a series of numbers to offer us the possibility of being able to paste a number of that specific series. In other words, if we copy the series “11 22 33 44”, Gboard will allow us to directly paste the number 33. It is also capable of recognizing various telephones, addresses, and co.
To try this novelty you have to have Gboard Beta on your device. To update to this version you just have to be registered as a tester from this link.