now we can transmit directly to our followers

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now we can transmit directly to our followers

Dolby On has been on the market for some time, being part of the audio and video recording apps present in both the iOS App Store and Google Play that we enjoy on Android. The app is designed so that we can obtain high quality recordings in both formats, recordings that until recently we could only record on our phone for further editing.

The iOS app, however, took the lead in terms of functionality. With an iPhone in hand we could not only record but also broadcast live content, content that we could send to well-known platforms such as Twitch or YouTube. Now Dolby On for Android gets its batteries up to par with its sister for iOS, and brings this functionality to the Google ecosystem.

Record and broadcast live to the most popular platforms


As we have said, Dolby On has been on Google Play for some time, but now the application catches up from its sister, the app present in the App Store for iOS devices, incorporating the direct broadcast of content, both audio and video, directly to streaming platforms, among which we find the best known of the moment.

From Dolby On for Android we can now continue recording both high-quality video and audio, but we can also choose to broadcast it directly while recording. The issue may be made through Twitch, to cite one of the best known, and also through Youtube thanks to the RTMP protocol, or Real Time Messaging Protocol.

We can configure several networks but only broadcast to one in each session

To be able to broadcast in streaming from Dolby On we will have to go to the settings of the application and link the account corresponding to the service, or services, that we want to have available within the app. As a fact to consider, we can have multiple linked accounts but only issue one at a time. Once we have done this, just press the record button to start broadcasting to the service we have selected.


Dolby On is a free app for both iOS and Android, and it will continue for the moment. We can download it without problems from each of the two app stores in the links that we leave below.

Dolby On

Dolby On