Chrome Announces Biometric Authentication for Payments and New Password Autofill

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Chrome Announces Biometric Authentication for Payments and New Password Autofill

To save us time and have to write, Chrome it has a moment autocomplete forms. The browser allows us to automatically fill in our username and passwords, addresses and payment methods.

Now to make autocomplete safer and more comfortable, Google announces two important novelties that will reach Chrome for Android in the coming days: the biometric authentication and the new password autocomplete.

Biometric authentication

Chrome with bi-metric authentication

Currently, every time we want Chrome to put all the data from a debit or credit card that we already have stored in our account, we have to enter the CVC code. In the coming weeks Chrome will activate biometric authentication so that using our fingerprint, face or iris we can fill in the payment method on the forms.

In the future, when we go to make a purchase, Chrome will ask us to enter the CVC code of the card again but it will ask us if for the next purchases we want to use biometric authentication. Thus we will no longer have to memorize the CVC code of our cards.

Improved autocomplete


The Chrome password manager also receives an important novelty, which is that a new pop-up window will allow us to automatically fill in our username and password with fewer taps on the screen. It will show us all the accounts for that website so that all the fields to login are filled.

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